of Bunga Raya's & coconuts
This was the Saturday outing. We (Adlee and I) went to Victoria Museum, Science Museum (strange, we did not take any pictures from there, I am not sure why, I think we were so caught up with the gadgets and displays in the centre, it was fun nevertheless), Natural Science Museum (the 2nd time for me). That particular Saturday was a packed weekend for the both of us, after all the visits and having to walk miles, it was time to part. Adlee had a date and I went for a play in Imperial College (it's the top 10 university in UK). The play was organized by the Imperial college Union Malaysian Society. The title of the play was "of Bunga Raya's and Coconuts". And if you are wondering where did all the good looking Malaysians went, well they are in this college. When I was in the college, I felt so OUT of place. Most of them were really really really young. The play was really really good too and it reminded the Malaysians abroad that there will always be home back HOME and don't be a coconut ( brown on the outside and white in the inside). In many ways it reminded me about alot of things. I was not active in participating in anything in college. I was VERY active in the ministry with the Lord and I have been enriched in so many ways and didn't miss the best from the Lord. And to be able to work with wonderful, talented and creative bunch of families. I am so so blessed. Am so thankful to be able to serve the Lord in my youth. Still am...
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